The day started off with Mr. Richard cooking us his "famous" Jack-o-Lantern pancakes for breakfast. They were SOoo yummy!!
When we got back from Trick-or-Treating, we all decorated Ghost sugar cookies that Landon and Brooklyn's mom made for us at her bakery at Ream's!
Baby Kara really thinks she's "big stuff" and tries to do everything she sees the big kids do!
(Including eating pancakes at the table!)
Because Halloween technically fell on Sunday this year, we had our party and went Trick-or-Treating in the neighborhood on Friday, October 29th. It was beautiful, clear and fairly warm weather and we had a great time. Everyone remembered all the "rules" we had talked about: like saying "thank you," staying on the sidewalk, and staying together as a group. Ms. Terri had sent post cards to all her neighbors telling them we'd be coming and some of them even had special treats just or us!